
The Grobes Experience by Mikael
August 15, 2011, 11:48 pm
Filed under: A Little Me, Good Things, Music, On Stage | Tags: , , , ,

How do you like nickname for the wonderfulness that is encompassed within the person and musician known as Josh Groban? I quite like it…

Because I so went to his Straight to You concert on Saturday! A buddy of mine produced an album with a record company that was given a grant by Josh Groban’s Find Your Light Foundation and he invited me to go with him as his plus-1. And let me just say this… One of the best concerts ever! Seeing concerts like this one always make me emotional because they are living my dream right in front of me. It’s a mix of amazement and a bit of envy… but mostly amazement.

On top of getting killer tickets for the show twelve rows up, we also got to… wait for it…

Me and the Grobes!

MEET THE GROBES! I was a giddy school girl until I came unto his presence at which point I sobered up enough to tell him a genuine “good luck tonight” as he shook my hand and thanked me graciously. Nicest guy ever. And so totally cute! I was expecting him to be my height or shorter, but he turned out to be a tad taller! Why didn’t I buy an engagement ring?!

He turned to the guy I came with and said, “Hey, wait. Are you Joel?” Joel and I were stunned even moreso when the Grobes said, “Hey man, I’ve read all about you!”

So I may not have proposed marriage like I originally planned but the fact that he knew the guy who invited me was pretty fantastic in itself (and distracted me from my task at hand). And the fact that I got a photo with the Grobes made me pretty happy too.

(Turns out Joel wrote Spy Hop Productions (his record company) a recommendation letter that helped get him the grant from the Find Your Light Foundation.)

Even before the Grobes hit the stage… I knew I was in for a treat. His live performance is ten-times better than his CD’s. Not only that, but this concert was the most interactive that I’ve ever been at. Josh walked (and was groped–thus his nickname came about, “Groban got groped”=”Grobes”) among the crowd, talking to a several people, and even pulled a couple on stage for a couple songs near the end. One of the coolest parts was where he had people text in questions and he answered them during the show. One of the questions was for Josh to sing Kanye West tweets and he gladly obliged… which was hilarious!

I’ve always been a big Josh Groban fan so I feel very blessed to have had that opportunity to see him perform live. His voice is just… gah! It had me shivering all over the place. Very chill-inducing. SO beautiful… One of the things that I couldn’t help thinking was, “This guy is so incredibly goofy and personable and yet… that pure and beautiful of a voice can shake you to the core even more so than his vibrant personality.”  To say I enjoyed myself, would be a drastic understatement.

And the fact that he can play piano, drums (DANG!), sing like an angel and be a completely awesome guy on top of it all is totally charming. And hot. And… yeah.

He sang quite a few of my favorite songs of his… his live rendition of Broken Vow with a trumpet was heart-breakingly beautiful. I may or may not have cried… He’s my official celeb crush after attending that concert and meeting him.

Next time I see him though, I’m definitely proposing. ;)

(He even announced during his concert that he likes blondes… So technically, I’m already on his list.)

Photos taken by moi with my fabulous Canon PowerShot SX210 IS.

4 Comments so far
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okay no fair at all. i wanted to go to this concert so badly. but also HE’S TALL TOO? too much perfect in one person, I say. I think I’m gonna add him to my wishlist.

Comment by Ameena

My heart was beating so fast reading this. You win at life. I’m am ridiculously jealous.

Comment by brandy

Very cool!

Comment by booguloo

so awesome! yay for the grobes!

Comment by katelin

Sing to me!