
Interview w/ Magic in the Backyard’s Kellie Elmore! by Mikael

My favorite poetry blogger friend is now a published poet! YAY!

Earlier this week, Kellie Elmore‘s collection of prose, Magic in the Backyard, was released by Winter Goose Publishing! I’m so happy for her I could burst … but I’ll settle for an interview. And a copy of the book. ;)

I’ve been following Kellie for… wow, I’m not sure how long, but it’s been well over a year. I started doing her Free Write Friday (yes, the Kellie who started that!) in February of 2011–so a little before then. She’s inspired me so much during this time, I can’t even begin to thank her enough.

Kellie is described as “a writer who knows no bounds”… and that if you don’t like poetry, that means you haven’t read her poems yet. I’d believe that.

Reading Kellie’s poems can be really magical, whether it takes me back to a memory of my own or if she captures me in her enchanting words, creating places I want to see and evoking intense emotional reactions. See her blog and be amazed!

I present to you Kellie Elmore!

What prompted you to start writing? 
Honestly? I began writing back in Junior High School, all about a boy, of course! Mostly mushy, poorly rhymed, love poems to my then crush who I adored and the only person I trusted to share this lovesick desire with was a notebook journal.

You say writing is your happy pill, which leads me to think of it as an addiction… What else would you say you are addicted to?
Writing can become a bit of an addiction. As far as my addictions to other things, well according to my husband and my son, it is Social Media. (lol)

Now I have to ask… Which social media platforms are you addicted to?
Oh no! Don’t make me choose! If I must, I suppose I would have to say Twitter for it’s simplicity and reach. (Follow her @kellie_elmore!)

What others are you active on?
You name it and chances are, I have a profile! Google+, Tumblr, YouTube, WeHeartIt, Reverbnation, but there is one I cannot seem to join and it is driving me nuts! Pinterest! I want in so bad! (Note: I’m trying to help her fix this ASAP.)

Following those lines, what kind of writing makes you the most happy?
I just love to write, but I guess it would have to be free verse or prose, obviously. It is unrestricted and I like that.

What is it you are most looking forward to with the publishing of your first poetry book?
The response. There are many people I know who have this “idea” about poetry, that it is boring and difficult to understand, I look forward to showing them my style and hopefully change their minds.

How did it feel when you got the deal?
At first, I did not believe it. I kept telling myself it can’t be true and actually, it did not even truly sink in until I saw my book cover, then… I lost it- emotionally. I was overwhelmed and ecstatic!

What are your thoughts on rhyming/structure in pieces in poetry?
When it comes to form poetry, I have to side with Walt Whitman, a known rule breaker when it comes to writing, and defied the need for them and yet, he produced brilliant works using imagery and simplicity.

If you were being held captive on a pirate ship and the captain wanted to make you jump off the gallows, what would you say or do to persuade him to keep you alive instead?
Tell him I have something better than Rum and offer him some Jack Daniels…Tennessee Whiskey of course! =)

Doesn’t that just make you love her? I know I do! I feel so honored to have gotten the chance to interview her… she really is an amazing poet, a sweet and genuine person and a really fun to Twitter things up with.

Now it’s time to go over to Amazon and buy her poetry book, Magic in the Backyard! You’ll find me there. ;)

Happy Hump Day everyone!

FWF ~ 13 Year Old Concerns by Mikael
November 4, 2011, 4:48 pm
Filed under: A Little Me, Crushes, Free Write Friday, Remembering

Write a letter to your 13 year old self… that’s the Free Write Friday prompt today! I had to do this… Let’s see if you can tell what I was focused on during this time. ;)

*   *   *

Dear 13 year-old Mikael,

Oh yes… the middle school years.  You’re just the golden child, aren’t you? I just have a few things to talk to you about.

Don’t freak out about braces!  They may be ugly and uncomfortable… but just you wait.  Once they come off, you will be so gorgeous you will be beating boys off with a stick.  Your boy crazy brain will soon have it’s time for physical manifestation after.  In fact, you may be surprised to know that you’ll have a boyfriend (albeit short lived) before you get those suckers off.

Now about that senior that you’re crushing on…  He’s the hottest thing you’ve ever seen but in reality, you’ll find many guys that trump him in so many ways in just a couple years (plus, you can ogle him a little more once you get into high school).  But still enjoy writing notes on the board of the classroom that you two share just classes apart.  It’s cute and your teacher gets a kick out of it.  And yes, it will send your heart soaring whenever you see his handwriting saying hi.  Even if he does have a hot girlfriend…

That friend that just broke your heart with lies and deceipt?  Forget about her too.  She’s a bitch and she’ll try to redeem herself about ten years from now.  She’s not one of those people that is worth it so I suggest you just forget her now and don’t play into any of her games that she’ll toss your way through the end of high school.

And the class clown in your math class you find cute?  Enjoy his hilarity all you want but know that he’s not a good kisser.  Sorry to break it to you.  You’ll find out in a few years.  Luckily, he won’t be the worst you’ll experience but still.  Be warned.

Oh, you know that cool guy you sit next to in Reading/English?  He’ll be important to you from 9th-11th grade.  Keep him close by because just before you start 11th grade, you’ll lose him as a friend (and boyfriend).  Same with your best friend in Clayton Productions.  She’ll move away eventually so embrace any chance you have to see her.

At the expense of fitting in and being “cool”, I beg of you… please don’t put someone down.  You will do it once before high school and it will tear you apart inside (I still regret saying it).  What you will say was very hurtful to the guy, not to mention unwarranted.  Then there will be a guy in your Science class next year that will ask for paper every single day… try and have patience.  He is a nice guy even if he rubs you the wrong way now.

School isn’t everything and neither is fitting in. You’re going to be one of those people who can fit in anywhere and everywhere (though you will have a niche in music/theater) so don’t worry about that.  You won’t die if you don’t get a 4.0 and you’ll get the Patriot of the Month award when you’re in 9th grade even if you think you deserve it now.  :P

One last thing, young’un… everything happens for a reason if it sucks. Just suck it up and move on.  Timing is everything.  You like to hold onto things and take everything far too seriously.  I know that eventually you will lighten up (only a little) but still… enjoy what you can.


Your 23 year-old self

So clearly I was far too concerned with boys and fitting in since that’s all I can really remember from that time.  Boys and school.

Now what were you concerned about when you were 13?

FWF ~ What’s your taboo? by Mikael
September 30, 2011, 6:30 am
Filed under: A Little Me, Free Write Friday, Open, Religion? What's that?, Roam, Try, Venting, Writing

What are taboo topics for you to talk about or even think about? That’s exactly what Free Write Friday is about this week!

I won’t lie… I was stumped for a while on this week’s prompt.

Write about one of those taboo topics that you dread even thinking about. Be honest and open about it.

Kellie listed three things that are considered taboo to the typical person: Sex, War/Politics and Religion. If not one of those three things, write about something that you most legitimately fear.

  1. I don’t consider those topics taboo. I just don’t and I’ll go over why in a minute.
  2. At this point in my life, I feel like I have nothing to fear even though I have absolutely no clue where my life will lead me.

So you can see my dilemma… Thus, I’ve decided to talk a little bit about all the taboo topics above and why I don’t think they are so taboo.


Sex is sex–natural. Penises, vaginas, boobs, balls, mouths… whatever! Nearly everyone does it at some point. And most over the age of 10 generally know something about sex (which is overshooting since I became aware at age 7 and who knows with the kids today). Some people choose to “get it on” in public, though most consider it a more private deed. A lot of people like to see it as something special to be shared with someone they love. Others look at it as a sport or a way to suppress the loneliness they can’t seem to get away from. No judgement, I promise (somewhat guilty!).

What I do have a lot to say on regarding sex is comprehensive sex education. Yep, STD’s are spread via sexual contact but that’s why it’s important for you to be careful and at least trust the person you are with. Sex is meant to be fun though! God wouldn’t have made our bodies like this (and Eve wouldn’t have eaten that forbidden fruit!) if he didn’t want us to experience that kind of pleasure and the procreation that can result from sex.

If more people were open about sex, it’s possible consequences, the joy it can bring, etc., there wouldn’t be as many problems with it being taboo.


If I paid more attention to politics, I may have more to say. But alas, I’m pretty clueless ignorant when it comes to politics because I keep hearing about ridiculous rules and laws that different people keep implementing and how good/bad they are. Then I choose to ignore most of that banter, even though I do have opinions (albeit, some are weak arguments, more education needed) on most of the different stances on societal issues  such as abortion, gay rights, taxes, etc. Everyone has their own damn opinion about this kind of stuff and most do a pretty good job of making their voice heard. There’s nothing wrong with that.

I don’t choose sides. I choose who I feel to be the best candidate (and that has yet to happen). Thus why I’m still not registered to vote–and no, I’m not ashamed to admit it. I will register when I actually feel compelled to vote. People tell me that means that I can’t complain because of the economic crisis we are in or because of who is in office, etc. No qualms about that here. I can just blame everyone else. :P

War can have it’s place but I do not think that that is the case in this time and this world. Things were just blown out of proportion (pardon the pun) and blame was set on the wrong people, thus causing more problems. Yes, I’m proud to be an American and am proud of what our men and women in uniform stand and fight for. However, I’m not even sure what they are fighting for anymore. You should probably see my post on why we all need more bloody rainbows.

However, I have become a fan of Michelle Obama. Just saying. Her health movement is awesome and it’s what a lot of people need.


Because of my own recent exploration, I’ve learned that religion is an institution of faith. There are many different religions in this world, and every one is at least slightly different. Some people require the structure and basis of religion rather than just being spiritual. I feel very lucky that I discovered that kind of balance (between spirituality and religion) within the past few months.

What God(s) you choose to believe in is your own business. In fact, I think it’s fascinating that so many people come from different religions. It can make for some enlightening discussions and just proves the awesomeness of our world’s diversity. We wouldn’t all want to be the same or things would be boring. Ragged edges and strange angles always make a painting more interesting.

So what if you’re Catholic, Baptist, Hindu, Amish, or heck, even Mormon? (I know that’s a minimal list; please don’t hate. I’d like to keep this readable.) As long as you try to be a better person every day, then you are pretty darn good in my book. If you believe in a higher being and some sort of salvation, that’s your own prerogative. Live and let live. If you want religion in your life, you can make that happen. Religion doesn’t work for some people and I can respect that.

I found truth unexpectedly and largely on my own agenda. I hope every one else can find that kind of truth sometime in their life, even if it’s not the truth that I happened to discover. It’s this truth that has enabled me to not be afraid.

I just hope I can meet as many people from different backgrounds as I can since I would love to hear about their own opinions on sex, politics, war, religion and culture.

So there are my mini-rants on “so-called” taboo topics. Mostly, I’ve been raised to be open-minded which is why it is rare for me to find a “taboo” topic (however, I recommend not asking how many Finnish mints I ate during Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice last night).

What are topics that you consider taboo and why?

If you have anything you’d like to comment/debate/talk about from this post, I welcome comments and even emails if you want something more private (mikshorty {at} gmail).

Happy Friday everyone! Have a good weekend!

FWF ~ Simplest of Joys by Mikael
September 24, 2011, 12:18 am
Filed under: A Little Me, Free Write Friday, Good Things, Imagine, Poetry, Writing

Man, I’m loving participating in Free Write Fridays. =)

Prompt: Share the simple joys in your life…

Share a smile, earn a love.
Hold a hand, earn some trust.
The simple yet known joys.

A complete starry sky,
When french fries are made just right,
Singing your favorite song without music,
Knowing you made someone’s day a bit brighter
By being an utter and complete fool on the street.
Feels good, doesn’t it?

The laughter of a baby, whose love is boundless,
The texture of the leaves on a bush or tree, whose life isn’t endless,
The scent of freshly baked cookies, which disappears soon,
The image of one helping another, or even better that being you.

Realizing there is something bigger out there than just us,
Whether it be the cosmos, God or something similar.
Discovering a new land and all of it’s secrets
Even if it takes more than one visit.
Getting stuck in your imagination,
praying the visit won’t ever end
Because it’s so wonderful.

* * *

Take a deep breath and count to ten.
Where do you go? What do you see? What do you feel? What brings you joy?

FWF ~ Something to Feel by Mikael
September 16, 2011, 12:36 pm
Filed under: Free Write Friday, Poetry, Writing

Lunchtime means it’s prime time for for Free Write Friday again, provided by Kaleigh Somers and Kellie at Magic in the Backyard. Feel free to try this prompt out on your own blog as well! If you do leave a comment with a link either here or on Kellie’s blog and I’ll be sure to check it out! =)

Prompt: Capture the girl, tell her story--tell us "something to feel".


The pier is always the same.
Resting on the beach, allowing the waves
To roll in underneath.

Every day it sees people gather in masses.
Every day it feels many footsteps.
Every day it hears much laughter and joy.

Every day providing a getaway,
Letting those from all walks of life
Walk across it’s timeless wooden slats.

But she is hardly ever the same.
Hair up, hair down, hair messy, hair prim
Never the same accessory.

Some days she looks at the waves.
Some days she arrives with friends.
Some days she tries to escape from the city.

Some days she’ll people watch,
Letting her mind wander to their own stories
Since she’s barely sure of her own.

But there is one thing that is constant—
Her hope, her faith.
Her love for the breeze about her face.

Today she looks up just waiting for the stars
To light up her sometimes dark night,
To remind her that her constant is always there.

Thanks for tuning in!

On another completely different note, Saying Saturday will be making it’s autumn return tomorrow so be sure to join in the laughs and wisdom yet again!

A Postcard Home by Mikael
August 26, 2011, 12:13 pm
Filed under: A Little Me, Free Write Friday, Imagine, Remembering, Roam, Writing | Tags: ,

Here is another Free Write Friday as created by Magic in the Backyard! Haven’t done this in a while but I felt like I should start doing it again. Here are the rules this week if you want to participate as well.

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine you are far from home. The reason does not matter, you could be in prison in a foreign country, you could be held hostage for ransom… you could have been swept away by a magical elf who stole you for his bride, it doesn’t matter.
All that matters is that you are gone and away from everyone and everything you know and love. Now this may evoke happiness because you desperately needed this time alone… or you may feel sadness and anxiety because you could never imagine being suddenly separated from your life and everything in it. Either way, you are completely isolated.

Now, you have the ability to send one postcard home. What would you say?

…be creative and don’t be afraid to throw in some humor if it comes to you.
Ready, set, write!

* * *


I’m sorry that I left you but I’m not sorry that I’m here. You know how you find someplace and immediately know that you’re supposed to be there? And not just be there, but stay? That happened to me the first time I came and now it’s like I never left.

Somehow, this land of my heritage has called me to a different home. Yes, I’ll miss my family and my friends back in the US but that doesn’t mean I can’t create a family and make new friends of my own here in London.

It may be bitingly cold in the winter, but the summers are nice and the sporadic rain that comes has a unique charm that only this place can encompass.

This is where I’m meant to be. Among the history, among the art, among the beauty.

Now if only I didn’t have to come back… if only my six-month visa doesn’t expire. If I could just stay here forever. Not to say that I wasn’t happy before; I was. But now it’s like I feel whole and complete.

I miss you, Home, but not nearly as much as I will miss London when you and I meet again. In fact, I will be missing it as soon as I step foot into the airplane. You may be a home but this is my new Home. London is just like that.

I’ll be seeing you,


PS: Sorry for demoting you, but I still love you anyway!